Fix your gut,

Change your life

I help women stop spinning their wheels trying to resolve chronic digestive issues, so that they can take back control of their body & their life 🚀

[Pssst…It’s free to apply and you have the option to book a free 30 minute chat with me upon applying!]
  • Does this sound like you... 👀

👉🏼 You regularly experience uncomfortable & embarrassing bloating & digestive issues and can’t put your finger on what is causing it 😵‍💫

👉🏼 You’re constantly stressed about your health as symptoms continue to pile up - fatigue, weight gain, poor sleep…

👉🏼 You feel like you’ve tried it all - diets, supplements, meds, blood tests and are still stuck.

👉🏼 You debate going back to the doctor to ask for more tests, since your lab tests came back “normal” but you know there is something going on 🤯

👉🏼 You worry if you don’t resolve these issues, they’ll turn into something very serious 🥺

If so, it’s time to take action!

⭐️ Signature Gut Healing Program ⭐️


In my 6 month program you’ll get the right testing, a customized protocol and the missing education you need to transform not just your gut, but your health.

Past Happy Gut Client, Tina

“This program gave me my life back! I’ve spent 6 times what I spent with you on diets, powders, workouts, name it thousands of dollars. The money I spent with you is the best investment I’ve ever made, hands down. The program has changed my life in so many ways, I’m so grateful! [Client lost 50 lbs and came off all arthritis meds too] ”

How does it work?

3 easy steps:

  • Apply for the program with the button below (free to apply, takes 2-3 minutes)

  • Await my reply via email to invite you to join (*if you are a good candidate*)

  • Join the program and get instant access to the curriculum and complete your at home labs

I know how frustrating it can be to be trying to get answers as to what is causing your symptoms.

The truth is the traditional medical system is limited in ability to successfully address chronic symptoms and uncover the underlying root cause of the issue, which leaves you stuck.

There is a better way. As an RN turned Integrative Health Practitioner, I’ve uncovered what is missing from the mainstream system preventing you from seeing results. Let’s work together to get your health back on track!

Hey, I’m Ninu!

Founder of the Happy Gut Program & face behind Women’s High Vibe Health

Depending on who you ask I’m either a Registered Nurse, Integrative Health Practitioner, gut health expert or a crazy soccer mom …but really, I’m all of it! 💃🏻

I help women just like you that are tired of living with chronic digestive, hormonal, mood or skin symptoms, up-level their health & finally get to the root cause of the issue. That means no more stress, doctors visits, daily symptoms or frustration.

It’s my passion to help women take back control of their health and in doing so, live a life that is limitless. Because when you feel good, anything is possible.

I may have been told by previous clients that my Happy Gut Program has been “life changing” so I hope you’ll stick around if you’re looking for transformative results too 💖

📣 Ready to go from bloated and burnt out to energized and empowered?

👉🏼 Imagine finally experiencing smooth pain-free digestion, more balanced hormones, radiant skin, vibrant energy & finally, confidence in how to take care of your beautiful bod 🥳

👉🏼 Working with me, you’ll learn the art + science of overcoming bloating, acne, headaches and IBS *for good* despite what your doctor or even specialist has told you.

✅ Join the HAPPY GUT program TODAY and I’ll guide you step by step down the path to make restoring your health as easy as possible!


You may be getting hopeful, and for good reason.

Here at Women’s High Vibe Health I know that you want to be well. I know that you want your symptoms to go away (for good) and to start feeling in control of your health again.

In order to do that, you need a strategic plan that walks you through restoring your health, step by step and includes testing that will actually find the red flags and imbalances that are creating your symptoms.

The problem is that until now you haven’t had the right testing, been given the necessary education, haven’t been told which actions to take or been guided appropriately.

I know how frustrating, overwhelming and confusing it can be to try to navigate your symptoms or even a diagnosis, alone.

This is why having a guide plus a strategy and a support system is so pivotal for success and long term symptom relief.

Here’s how we do it:

1. TEST: Complete at home functional lab testing to test your gut microbiome and inflammatory levels.

2. LEARN: Start learning how your body works and take strategic action in specific areas required to restore your digestive system and your health - nutrition, hormones, detoxification, stress, sleep and lifestyle.

3. COMPLETE CUSTOM PROTOCOL: Meet with me to review your test results and be given a step by step customized protocol to resolve the imbalances found and watch your symptoms resolve!


My approach to women’s health can transform your life and your future.

If you have the will,

I have the way.