“I’ve tried it all and nothing works” - here is what you’re missing
Ninu Lammens Ninu Lammens

“I’ve tried it all and nothing works” - here is what you’re missing

"I have tried it all, nothing works.”  

 Have you said this before?

It's the famous line of defeat.  

👊🏼 I promise you solutions exist out there, you just haven’t found them yet! (but you are in luck by stumbling across this page!)

⛔️ ...Maybe you have the energy of Homer Simpson, with a mid-afternoon crash around 2-4pm or having to constantly have coffee or an energy drink on the go to keep you feeling awake and alert.

😑 ...Maybe you have to peel your eyes open after a terrible restless sleep (despite taking melatonin or a sleeping pill)

🍪 ...Maybe cravings are getting the best of you every day, and you're starting to feel hopeless. The sugar and salt binges are real and you need some solutions as you know you can't keep going on like this.

 🚽 ..Maybe your bloating, gas or diarrhea has become so commonplace you're used to wearing loose clothing and knowing where a bathroom is at all times.

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Sugar cravings getting the best of you?
Ninu Lammens Ninu Lammens

Sugar cravings getting the best of you?

Is your sweet tooth taking a toll on your health? Sugar cravings can be relentless! 

Does the following sound like a typical day in your life?

☕️ 🥣 —> You wake up… you want something sweet like a donut and sugar in your coffee or maybe a carb-rich breakfast like toast or cereal

🍪 —> Midday hits… you need a sweet treat as a pick me up.

🍫 —> It’s dinnertime… it was good but you can't wait for something sweet to wrap up the meal

🍨 —> Nighttime rolls around and the kids are in bed… you’re reaching for that ice cream or chocolate..

If this sounds familiar, know it is NOT your fault! 🙅🏻‍♀️ 

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8 Signs you may have a leaky (aka damaged) gut lining, and what to do about it.
Ninu Lammens Ninu Lammens

8 Signs you may have a leaky (aka damaged) gut lining, and what to do about it.

You may have heard the buzz word "leaky gut" going around the past few years and for good reason.

Leaky gut, or better known in the medical world as Intestinal Permeability, is a major epidemic as far as those in the functional and integrative health space are concerned. It's the missing factor that isn’t often addressed or acknowledged as playing a massive role in chronic health issues - in and outside the gut itself.

Read on to see if you have symptoms that match a leaky gut

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The Importance of rest for our nervous system
Ninu Lammens Ninu Lammens

The Importance of rest for our nervous system

🙋🏻‍♀️ Ever want to just check out?

🙋🏻‍♀️ Sleep for a week?

🙋🏻‍♀️ Press the "pause" button on life?

I get it, sometimes it all just feels like too much. 😩

Especially for moms.

#Burnout is REAL.

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